With countries

Our Country Relations team maintains strong relationships with African states, the business community, and international organisations, while also reinforcing our multilateral status.

Along with managing government relations affairs for AFC, the Country Relations department also drives equity mobilisation with the aim of broadening our shareholder base and maintaining strategic partnerships geared towards public and private sectors to achieve the AFC mandate.

The department’s core strategy is anchored on creating an operating framework that positions AFC as a catalyst for infrastructure development across Africa. As an effective cross-department enabler, Country Relations also acts as an origination engine for our organisation.


AFC has two levels of Membership:

Membership Only

A prospective Member Country/State may join the AFC by signing the Instrument of Adherence and ratifying its Constitutive Instruments, namely the AFC Establishment Agreement through its cognitive/constituent authority.


Membership & Shareholding

Member Countries may elect to make financial commitment/investment and become shareholders through their designated entities (e.g. Central Banks, Ministry of Finance, Sovereign Wealth Funds and State Pension Funds or development banks) at any time convenient to the member country.

Ratification of AFC Membership

Member countries, upon acceding to membership, are required to ratify AFC’s Constitutive Instruments in line with their national laws, essentially to domesticate the AFC Treaty into local law, in accordance with the requirements of the country’s internal protocols.

  • the Cabinet / Council of Ministers, and / or
  • the National Assembly / Parliament / President.

Country Membership

Membership of AFC is open to all African states. We currently have forty three (43) member states:

  • Nigeria (Host Country)
  • Angola
  • Benin
  • Botswana
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cameroon
  • Cape Verde
  • Chad
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Eritrea
  • Eswatini
  • Ethiopia
  • Gabon
  • Ghana
  • Guinea Bissau
  • Guinea Conakry
  • Kenya
  • Liberia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Morocco
  • Namibia
  • Niger
  • Republic of Congo
  • Rwanda
  • São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • The Gambia
  • Togo
  • Tunisia
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe
Map Chart Map 43

Benefits of AFC membership

Competitive financing for projects in member countries

Sovereign states, upon accession to membership, grant AFC preferred creditor status and other standard immunities and privileges relevant for multilateral institutions.
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Increased Investment Allocation to Member Countries

AFC member countries benefit from a significant amount of investment origination and advisory services.
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Access to Public Sector Advisory & Project Development Facilities

Member Countries have preferred access to AFC’s (i) US$5MM Public Sector Advisory Facility, and (ii) Project Development Facility, both designed to advancing projects to bankable stages and increase the number of projects attaining financial close in Africa.
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Shareholder structure

AFC has 45 shareholders with a significant proportion from the private sector. This innovative structure has served our performance historically – with the support of regional and non-regional multilateral institutions, long-term investors, impact investors and academia, all driven to help Africa achieve its full economic potential.

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Alice Usanase – Acting Head, Country Relations

Alice Usanase specialises in business development, corporate strategy design & implementation, and resources mobilization across emerging markets.


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