AFC is a multilateral financial institution, created by African sovereign states to provide pragmatic solutions to Africa’s infrastructure deficit and challenging operating environment.

We actively pursue these solutions by developing and financing infrastructure, natural resources and industrial assets for the enhanced productivity and economic growth of African states.

Our Vision

To become Africa’s leading infrastructure solutions provider.


Our Mission

To foster the economic growth and industrial development of African countries, while delivering a competitive return on investment to our shareholders.

How we operate

Our business model

AFC delivers a unique value proposition as an Africa-focused multilateral financial institution covering three contemporary service areas: project development, financial advisory and principal investing. In addition to these core services, we offer significant experience and expertise in project management and will ensure that the objectives of all parties involved are met through careful monitoring of the project from beginning to end. We therefore fill key market gaps by participating across the entire project cycle and capital structure, ensuring that projects are well-structured and transactions reach financial close.

Coming soon!